There have been no threats of mobs and pitchforks yet after I posted That AU yesterday! I'm oddly disappointed. It weirded one person out (so far) but that's it. Huh. All my flailing and panicking that fandom would hunt me down and kill me was for nothing.
Let's see how I do with Marvel Big Bang then *rubs hands together and cackles*
I'm not entirely sure how to react to this next thing, but mother has taken it upon herself to educate my father in the Marvel ways before the Avengers arrives next week. He'd seen Iron Man already so last night she sat him down with Thor. From the sounds of things, Captain America is next Monday's treat for him.
Mum, you are confusing. You question my life-style choices when I see a movie more than once and then volunteer to watch a movie twice in one month yourself. QUIT BEING ME. It's disturbing.
Unless this is because of the gratuitous mud fight? And I did overhear her remarking that "that's the guy from Hurt Locker and Bourne", which is leading me to suspect that we have a Jeremy Renner fan lurking in my house. Fahre, don't say a bloody word :-D
Tonight we are declaring it "Fuck this vegan cookery lark" night and taking dad out for supper to our favourite sushi place. There are going to be many such evenings, I suspect. And I have terrible burger cravings so I may try to tempt them to the gourmet burger place one night because there is a lentil burger there (and I'm not going to ask what the binding agent is because NO).
In other news, Dad finds my interactions with Kate highly amusing. It's the times that I use her as a bookstand and call her a horrible evil cat, isn't it?
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