You know that moment when your mother concludes that Twitter is obviously evil and probably responsible for everything bad including the heat death of the universe?
Yeah, that.
So, good thing she doesn't know that I have a Twitter account! May she never discover that Tumblr exists...
Yesterday was a hilarious day of epic fails and you really need to know the geography of the area around my office to know why my team spent half an hour glued to the window, watching the amazing driving skills of a visitor to our building. Trust me, it was epic. And also terrifying.
We also had epic DBA fails (really? You deleted that...why?) and M deployed his raging alien emoticon in our chat at one stage just to emphasise the fails. Oh, the joys of our day.
So far, today is looking less faily. I usually take this as a sign that the shoe-dropping moment later is going to be terrible. I've learned to be a cynical pessimist so that I'm pleasantly surprised when things actually pan out properly.
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