Yesterday it was horridly hot and muggy when I got home so I made the (at the time) sensible decision not to hop on the exercise bike because I was fairly sure that I'd expire.
Today my back is locked up and bitchy so tonight, despite the heat, I shall have to bike for a while. Ugh.
My Annie-cat is determined to induce heat exhaustion in both of us by insisting on cuddles and extensive draping every time I sit down. I tried to deny her but she gave me the pathetic look and the tiny 'mew' noises so I gave in. The poor thing is fluffy as heck and probably cooking in her coat, yet she insists on cuddles with her warm mommy so that we can both be even hotter and more disgusting.
What a silly cat. Kate is being sensible and "hell to the no" on the cuddle thing. She's normally my deeply stupid and silly cat, so this is an odd turn-about.
Remind me of how much I dislike this kind of heat when I'm complaining about snow and shoveling in January, OK?
I managed to finish chapter two of the Big Bang yesterday, add another scene to the insane AU and may have started a teeny fluffy fic that fits into the Damage Limitations-verse. The fluffy is because fluff requires no plot and thus is relaxation. It also does not need me to keep count of the Coulsons, Natashas and Clints in a scene or figure out how to differenciate which one I'm referencing.
Remind me after this, only one of each character in any given story. Never again with the alternate universe story-lines.
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