Not so secret message for Fahre - fics!

Jun 25, 2012 19:19

I had a request from fahrenheit-f430 for some Avengers recs for a friend who is just getting into the fandom.

Cue maniacal laughter.

The request was for Steve/Tony or Tony/Bruce. I've been reading a lot of Clint/Coulson, but I can supply a few links...

This lot is a whole bunch of Tony/Bruce links that have been recced to me. Haven't actually read any of them yet, but they are on my to be read list :-)

And here are the Steve/Tony fics that I've either read and loved or bookmarked for later reading due to recs or "hey, that looks interesting!" as I scrolled past on AO3. Yes, a fair few of them contain Clint/Coulson as a background theme as well. Not all of them and I've marked the C/C ones.

the reason you ruminate in the shadowy past (read)

When The Lights Go On Again (on my to be read list)

Run Program: DUM-E (read, Steve/Tony focus with C/C background)

Sex Lies and Newspring (read)

Bulletproof (read, AU)

Living in the Future (to be read, includes C/C)

Not for Lack of Trying (to be read, includes C/C)

how do I get there on these old feet? (to be read)

Puppy Love (to be read)

Adamant (to be read, AU)

Duty Bound (to be read, includes C/C)

The Twice-Told Tale (to be read)

In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) (read, loved it, read everything by this author seriously, the Steve/Tony is getting there gradually and I am impatient for the final part of the big Steve/Tony fics)

That last one, by the way, is officially still my favourite of all the Avengers fics that I've found and I literally LOL at it.

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fic recs

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