This morning was definitely not a good one. It wasn't just being frozen to the core thanks to the surprise cold shower (I seriously did not stop shivering for three hours), it was that my hot shower is a key part of getting myself able to move properly in the mornings. My probably inflammatory arthritis means that I get very stiff and sore in my spine and hip in the mornings. A hot shower eases some of that off.
A cold shower just locks it up even better and makes all the muscles seize up around it. Fun times when I'm flaring!
Also, I subluxed by left wrist in the night for the first time. It's just as painful a way to wake up as it sounds. My wrist doesn't want to take weight today and is achy and crackly. I'll have to buy a night split for it if that continues. Stupid EDS. It's taking its revenge because I'm splinting the right wrist and night to prevent the same thing.
So, yeah, today did not start in the best manner. A colleague said that he would have just gone back to bed, if that had happened to him. If only I'd thought of that...
Hopefully Mum can get the oil company back today to fix whatever the hell they did to the furnace while they were servicing it. We can't exactly go without hot water for long *sigh*
Tonight Mum is supposed to be out for a meal with church women's group. Woo! Two hours to myself! In the house! With the TV! I am so freaking excited that it's pathetic. The only time that I get to myself right now is when I'm in the car. And mum talks constantly even when it's pretty darned obvious that I'm doing something that needs concentration. Yargh.
Still over five months before she goes home. Eep.
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