Don't get overly excited, guys, but I may actually be writing again. I've got a Doctor Who fic started. Eleven, Amy and Rory, hijinks and adventure, with a basic idea that I think weill provide a decent-length plotty fic. Working title is Sum of Parts.
Hopefully this hasn't jinxed it. I'm determined to get my writing muscles back in shape.
Before anyone asks, despite haunting AO3 all week (how much do I love the .mobi download for my Kindle?) there will be no Avengers fic forthcoming. I just don't feel like I know the canon well enough.
Doing the rounds on Twitter today there was a producer looking to interview people for a Radio 4 programme on slash fiction. My mind is slightly boggled by the idea of discussing slash on Radio 4. My, how the world changes...
Also, how awesome is it that Obama actually came out publically in favour of same-sex marriage? I'd just like to say that up here we've had same-sex marriage for years and society has not collapsed. Nor has straight marriage been devalued. We've got Brittany Spears and the Kardashians working hard enough to devalue straight marriage *sigh* This announcement makes me feel rather more hopeful than I often do about same-sex marriage outside Canada even though it won't mean much (yet) in a practical way.
And finally...
Happy Friday, everyone! We made it through another week, well done us! My reward for this is a latte in a nice coffee shop after work (where I can read Unwritten Vol. 4 without kitty interference) and veging out with my cable box and some pesto topped flatbread when I get home.
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