Hello Internet! Why yes, it has been forever since I last updated this thing.
And looking at the date, the use of my I aten't dead subject is oddly appropriate - it was a year ago yesterday that I was admitted to hospital with dangerously low blood levels due to bleeding from the ulcerative colitis that I would be diagnosed with a few days later.
How time has flown. I saw Awesome GI Guy a couple of weeks ago and the difference is radical. If he looked at my bloodwork and scopes as they are now, he'd never believe that I'd been that ill with UC. OK, it takes a metric ton of medications to keep me that way but isn't that amazing? Now that it's a year on and I'm repeating the general stuff that was going on last year (winter weather, shovelling, urge to bake, performance reviews at work) I can see in a practical way just how much healthier I am now.
A couple of weeks ago, I spent most of a Saturday cooking. There were madelines, complicated soups and my first lentil dhal (om nom, so good). A year ago, even the madelines would have been too much work. That much cooking in one day? Wouldn't have happened.
Anyway, everything is so different now and I couldn't be happier.
The last few weeks have been quiet due to a lot of reading and watching stuff. I've got so much to say about it all so I shall try to get something up on here about it over the weekend.
Suffice to say, since the beginning of 2012 I have read 10 books, watched a season and a bit of Deep Space 9, watched season 2 of Buffy, watched half a season of Castle and assorted other bits and bobs. It's been so much fun!
And in the most important bit of news yet, I'm now a supporting member of Worldcon 2012 and a Friend of Worldcon 2014. It looks like I'm going to Worldcon in 2014 :-D Let the countdown and insane bouncing begin!
ETA: Correct the years, I'm a supporting member of this year's Worldcon :-D
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