Today I made an edible, quite tasty, omelette for supper. As my omelettes are usually awful, this is quite the thing for me. I will never understand how I can master apparently difficult cooking things and fail at simple things like omelette.
The trackball mouse that I've had for years has stopped working. Argh. It's definitely not the batteries so it looks like the thing has finally given up the ghost. Good thing I've got so many spare mouses around, although I'm finding the transition back to a mouse harder than you'd think.
Suddenly Netlfix Canada has tons of awesome stuff on it. Including the whole of Buffy. Looks like I'm sorted for TV watchings, then :-)
Must remember to catch up with some of the new stuff tonight, like NCIS and Grey's.
First day back at work wasn't too bad, but I'm ready for a weekend now. Why does the working week have to be so long?
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