I don't really think that I can contribute any useful thoughts on the riots back home. My sister is fine and keeping us updated on her situation: she lives in Hackney so last night was rather nerve-wracking for us. Otherwise I vacillate between fear for the people getting their lives disrupted and destroyed and anger at the mindless violence behind it all.
In the middle of that, the Twitter-organised #riotcleanup (love the #riotwombles tag as well) reminded me that there are good people out there and restored some of my faith and hope. I don't care that the majority of people out there with brooms and tea are middle-class folks who can afford to take a couple of days off work to do it. In fact, that's maybe part of the point. A lot of the locals can't take the time off to do it, so shouldn't those who can do it be out there helping out?
In other news...
I was felled my a monster migraine yesterday. It woke me up around 4am and didn't properly lift until around 3pm. Never, ever have a migraine and have pills you must take with food where you can't skip or delay doses. That was not a fun time. I've still got the hangover headache today although at least looking at words isn't making my headache worse now.
That's one of the things that I hate about migraines: reading makes them worse. Even when I'm past the point where I need darkness and absolute quiet, I can't read. So I end up very quietly watching TV because I can close my eyes when I need to and just listen and it keeps me awake. After all, some sleep helps but sleeping the entire day is actually not going to help much when I then can't sleep the next night!
It appears that my migraines (and there have been a number over the last couple of months) are affected by the weather. We had a day of horrible humidity and torrential rain yesterday so that appears to be the cause. Oh, migraines, why can't you have an actual avoidable trigger?
And oh, weather, could you even out a bit so that I can go a week or two without either bad headaches of full-on migraines?
During my post-migraine recovery yesterday I may have (re)watched the first two episodes of Spooks on Netflix. And now I may need to mainline all the other episodes ever. Oops.
Also, I may have watched the first two episodes of The Tudors. It turns out that if I pretend it's a fantasy with no actual intention of bearing any relation to the real history, it's quite compelling.
And my Fringe S1 watch is going nicely and I'm very sad that I gave up on it as early as I did. I'll never ignore f-list recommendations again.
Finally, is there any discussion yet on which new things may be worth investigating when the fall season starts? I'm breaking up with House and The Event has been cancelled so my Mondays look very empty. I'm keeping NCIS, Glee, CSI:NY, Bones (well, it's on probation for now) and Gray's Anatomy, which on reflection looks like a lot but hey ho. Still, I need to at least give one of the new things a go this year even though my ability to predict what's going to be good has so far resulted in Flashforward and The Event being my picks and, yeah, my prediction abilities suck so much.
For the interested, I'm doing Castle, Private Practise (OMG the crack) and Fringe slowly via DVD. And considering doing the same with NCIS:LA and Hawaii 5-0. These are followed as funds and library holds permit.
Oh, god, I really am a telly addict, aren't I?
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