Why do people not know the difference between reply and reply to all? It's going to be a long day at this rate...
We had a lovely weekend, warm and sunny, so now we're back to days on end of rain, wind, and more rain. My trousers got soaked walking from the car to the office. I hate spending the day in wet trousers. This will be the theme of the week, I can tell. It's bad enough out there that my office-mates have cancelled their lunchtime soccer session. Ugh.
Also, last night I got woken up by a nasty migraine. Ugh. Thank goodness I import Migraleve. It took a few minutes to kick in, with an ice-pick trying to drill through my right eye the entire time, but then I got knocked out until morning. Phew.
However, now I get to sit in wet trousers all day with a migraine hangover. One of my colleagues brought a big box of TimBits in because she thought the weather might be getting us down. Several of us proposed marriage to her.
Anyway, in more cheerful news...
I appear to be getting the hang of pastry. I made a quiche yesterday and managed not to re-commit any of the previous mistakes on the pastry: it was light and flaky (not over-handled, correct softness) and it tastes good (remembered the salt). Om nom. Now I have quiche for lunch this week, so it's score all round.
I had a bit of pastry left over and I hate waste, so I used it to make three mince pies as I had some filling mixture in the fridge. Nom.
Now that my pastry is getting better, I need to work on my scone technique. I will master these things! I will! I cannot consider myself a decent cook until I can do them!
On Saturday, I went for dinner and a movie with a friend. I got brave and had fish and chips with minimal food-panic flailing, which behaved perfectly in my tummy so I'm starting to feel more confident about my food ordering.
Most importantly, we saw X-Men First Class and had a great time. James MacAvoy finally looks older than sixteen! I'd been a bit concerned about that piece of casting, but he did really well and I enjoyed his portrayal of a young Charles Xavier a lot. The chap playing Erik/Magneto was also very good and they really sold me on the close friendship ending in tragedy storyline.
OK, OK, I can totally see why several of my f-listies have been going a little squee-ful over the slash.
Anyway, they were the heart of the film and carried it really well. The younger mutant characters were also fab and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Particularly Banshee, although he reminded me a lot of Rupert Grint and I had to keep reminding myself that it was a different actor.
There was lots of lovely plotty stuff that actually made sense and I adored Emma Frost because she did cooly evil very nicely.
It had the feel of setting things up for a series of films, although it works very well as a stand-alone, so I'm hoping that there will be confirmation of a continuation soon.
Er, I may possibly be contemplating a few X-Men collection thingys. Amazon is surprisingly obliging in that direction. Oh, Amazon, your ease of ordering is my downfall. Curse you!
Well, on the one hand there are now more than two nurses in Holby. They're both for AAU, so that's also a relief as I'd been a little concerned that Useless Olly and the lovely Sacha were the only staff and I wouldn't trust Useless Olly with a cactus, never mind a patient's IV.
On the other hand, we have Deeply Dippy and Eddi. I quite like Eddi, even if we were hit with a sledgehammer about her complicated personal life, and have high hopes for her. She's competent, intelligent and banters well with Sacha. Deeply Dippy is, er, good with cannulas? It's an important skill. Although being able to spot a patient about to die would also be a useful skill. Shame she's missing that. I suspect that I might find Deeply Dippy annoying very fast.
The Malick/Hamilton story was dropped completely, hopefully so that it can be the focus of this week's episode. Instead I got lots of Jac being awesome and that never disappoints. Ric even got to be a little bit awesome. I'm a little uncertain about Elizabeth's plot. Her mother was not quite mad enough to be monstrous and Elizabeth was just a little bit too fast to walk into the lion's den of caring for her. Let's hope this doesn't end up predictable because Elizabeth is, currently, just a bit too doormat-like for my tastes and right now I feel like I've seen this one done several times before.
My big concern now is the lack of nurses on Darwin. Presumably this is because they're overloaded with CT surgeons and greasy, irritating plastics guys and thus there is no room in the staff room for nurses. Please, get rid of the plastics and give Jac a pretty nurse or two.
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