Doctor Who, food, LJ - what else would I talk about?

Apr 16, 2011 17:00

So, LJ appears to be back now. And filled with spam! I've received more spam on my journal this week than I usually do in a year and most of it doesn't seem to have a 'mark as spam' option when I go to delete it - WTF LJ?


Today I did lovely boring stuff like banking and filing taxes. Then I thought that I'd take myself out for lunch and have that burger I've been promising myself as a treat.

Tip to the wise: never look up the nutritional stuff on a treat.

I got myself so stressed about the calories+prednisone fear, the "what if it hurts me?" fear and my generalised food fear that I had nightmares about it last night and decided this morning that I was definitely not doing that. Instead I took myself out for lasagne, which wasn't amazing but was filling and I hadn't looked at anything to do with the nutritional stuff before I went. It also only contained meat, cheese and pasta which have never caused me problems before and the burger that I really wanted contains onions, which have on occasions caused problems. I feel absolutely fine right now, although I do feel like a bit of a crazy lady for getting myself so totally stressed over a treat.

This whole experience appears to have traumatised me. Urgh.

Only a week to go!

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food, count down to who

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