Yay teevees!

Sep 30, 2010 17:31

Last week was a bit of a TV marathon week, between new shows starting and the necessity to watch the whole of Glee's first season in one week. It was lovely. Despite my parents returning from their tour of the north of the province on Monday, I've even managed to catch-up/keep up with a couple of things by the simple expedient of announcing that I'm going to watch something and going down to the rec room where the TV lives. Generally the parents have followed me and brought tea, which is lovely.

Our first week with dad involved much quiet reading in the living room. Hours and hours of it. I love books, but I was about to go stir-crazy with the quiet reading meaning no knitting-while-watching-telly time. Thusly, I now have comments on my week of teevees.


I freely admit that I thought there was no way this show could either be good or last beyond the first season. I take it all back. There were some episodes that had me sniffling and wiping away a tear, lots that had me grinning and a few that had me thinking long after they ended. It's not perfect, but it's brilliant and I adore it.

The season opener (haven't seen last night's episode yet) was low-key and slightly down, which I thought worked well because how many of us faced the first week at school with joy and excitement? The two new kid characters both sing well and I'll be interested to see what we learn about them and the new coach looks like she'll be a fun character to watch. Yay Glee!


Loving the Cuddy/House thing. There's only so long you can play around with the idea before you either go for it or forget it and I'm really pleased that they went for it. Mostly, I'm pleased that they've gone for it and done it well rather than having either character suddenly turn into weird twisted versions of themselves. That was actually the message of this week's episode, working out how they can be together without losing themselves. Very nicely done, I thought. The medical story-line this time around was slightly more interesting than last week's, but not one of their better ones. Hopefully next week they'll be back on form in that area.

The Event

The opener looked promising, although not quite as exciting as I'd hoped. Hopefully it will be given the necessary time to build up before it gets cancelled.

Grey's Anatomy

I'm sorry, I am still addicted to this show even though it's solely responsible for the 'shame shame shame' tag on this LJ. And I loved the opener and got all gushy at the end. Argh.


The first two episodes were great, really solid. Lots of action, lots of plot, lots of Morgana being awesome, lots of Morgause in chain mail and even a hint at what Arthur and Merlin will eventually be when they grow up a bit. I couldn't find anything really major to criticise the episodes for.

Then we had this week's. I suppose at least they got the troll/goblin episode over earlier than last year? Urgh, what a mess. Even Arthur's lolarious donkey turn couldn't save it. Oh, dear. At least it's over.


I love Spooks. Every year, I swear they can't possibly keep doing it this well and every year Spooks comes back and continues to be awesome.

The first section, cleaning up from last year's finale, was sad and flaily and perfect. I adore Harry and Ruth. It was hard watching Harry watch the ex-home secretary die, even though it was necessary, and it was all there in the way Harry sat and his face. That moment when the ex-home secretary realised, just by seeing that Harry hadn't take off his gloves, what was happening was genius.

Then we got ships and pirates and Lucas being badass with slightly ridiculous plots and I still loved it.

Harry's realisation that he can't resign and Ruth's speech about never being the kind of people who could settle quietly in a cottage in Sussex was pitched just right.

The political geek in me loved the little touches, the throw-away lines about expenses, Mumsnet and the coalition, that demonstrates just how carefully the writers keep in touch with current affairs. Over the years, the enemies have changed and government and international politics have changed in tune with what's happening out there and I think that's why I still love this show.

I knew that Sophie/a Myles was joining the show, but for the first little section I didn't recognise her. In fact, I ignored her character right up to the point when the ship was boarded and then I started to realise who she was. Very nicely done, although next week's promo looks rather worrying for how long she might be around...

Anyway, it was all rather good and very Spooks-ish with no big surprises right up until...Lucas? John? What the heck? Looks like this is going to be a very interesting season. Who is Lucas really? And what's in the suitcase?

It's been a pretty good week in teevees. Now I just need to find time to catch up on Holby. Maybe Mum and I can have a marathon when Dad leaves?

shame shame shame, telly love

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