Oct 30, 2009 19:28
This has been one of those crazy busy weeks, in some senses, but not in others. Work has been crazy, I've put in extra hours (that I am totally putting into my timesheet because, even if I don't get that time back, I at least want it recorded that I worked my socks off!) and I've had two days of training in addition to all the work I've been doing on my big zombie project.
Then the evenings have largely been quiet because I've been knackered. I've not even been watching much TV. I've been sleeping badly and despite being dead tired. I'm so glad that it's finally Friday - I need some down time. And the clocks go back this weekend, so for a few days I'll think that I'm getting a lie-in. Yay!
Tomorrow is Halloween. I have candy, I've got a menu plan that won't require much work while I'm handing out candy but will provide yummy, comforting food when I've finished and thus I feel ready.
My winter tires went on the car this week. It looks like I'm admitting that winter is on its way in.
I am now knitting down the body of my Tubey sweater and I'm very pleased with how it's turning out. Can't wait to be able to try it on! This week's Experimental Monday was roasted sweet potato soup and it was very fine. Er, I was totally uninspired for next week so I'm taking a week off in order to hunt down something spectacularly yummy for the following week. Or just spectacularly scary. Whichever.
I can feel this post turning into a rambling thing of boring. Must be the exhaustion. I have made a decision: NaNoWriMo is, yet again, not happening for me. Right now, I have the inspiration and writing ability of your average teaspoon and I can't face the idea of 30 days of staring at a white screen and hating myself.
Again, I suspect this is the exhaustion.
Body, you need to let me sleep sometimes. It really helps.