May 05, 2009 13:01
So, the last few days have been less than fun (mmm, dislocations and work - what a combo!) so it's time to do a "find some positive things" post and remind myself of the good stuff in life:
1. My cats love me. I am reminded of this every time Annie begs for cuddles or Kate climbs on the back of my chair and 'arranges' my hair for me.
2. The sun is shining today and I have a great view of the ocean from my dining room chair so that I can look out at it over breakfast every morning.
3. This weekend is empty of plans so I can have as much fun and relaxation as I want.
4. My Big Bang draft went in on time and I actually have the luxury of decent editing time.
5. Tonight I am cooking myself homemade hamburgers and I can put whatever I want on them, even Marmite if I choose. Actually, definitely Marmite.
6. My Knit Picks sock yarn is amazingly soft and I can't wait to turn it into a pair of socks.
7. I have an amazing group of friends, some of whom I meet up with every week and some of whom I've never physically met. They're all wonderful, though, and I can't imagine life without them.
8. Most of my family is three thousand miles away, but I talk to them more than I did when they were right there and I know that I'm loved.
9. Holby City remains one of the crackiest, silliest shows out there and I adore it to pieces. Please, never let Connie leave.
10. I have DVDs in the post on their way to me: Nina's Heavenly Delights (lesbian rom com that's actually sweet, funny and hopeful with no tragic ending - yay!) and Caprica ('nuff said).
See? Even when life is crap for a few days, there are always good things around.
good things list