Mar 10, 2009 19:10
Right now, from my back door, I can see kids out there playing. There's a group out at the playground playing street hockey and another group, younger, playing catch with a ball and a baseball mitt. Over it all there is a beautiful sunset, red and orange and just perfect, reflected on the ocean.
I've been sitting in my kitchen with cups of tea watching all of this and reflecting that this is why I came here. Evenings like this when the weather is just right, the sun sets just so and I have the freedom and energy to enjoy it all.
Moments like these need to be packaged away to be remembered when the nights are dark and I can't remember why I moved to a country with this much snow and misery. I did it because of evenings like this. Hopefully I'll have lots of evenings like this over the next few months because it makes me feel happy and relaxed in my choice at last.