Feb 02, 2009 20:33
So today had a quality of disasterousness to it and my wrists are not happy about me falling on the ice on Saturday and then spending today typing, so I'm doing a 'positive things' post.
1) I've got a fic with the words 'The End' on it. Still needs beta-ing, but this is progress.
2) I have a yummy dessert in the fridge: butterscotch Angel Delight with crushed Flake on top. I even split it into three bowls so that I don't eat the lot at once. Dessert of champions!
3) I have lime jelly in the cupboard to be made if I need cheering up next week.
4) Supper was delicious: recipe to follow.
5) I've had a sneak peak at the programme for Redemption and it's very good. Really. Seriously. Brilliant. Everyone who won't be there? Totally missing out. Despite this, I've only requested not to steward during my own panels and the Iron Man reading because my stewarding assignments often resolve the "but I want to be in three places at once!" dilemma.
6) I think that I may also be spending some time in the bar at Redemption this time. Of course, I said that the last time and it didn't happen. But I intend to spend time in the bar catching up with friends this time. Really. Honest injun.
7) The snow removal company that I contacted yesterday might have declared that I was too far out to be worth bothering with, but I found a company that will come out. This is important due to tomorrow's predicted weather.
8) There is still hope that I might get a snow day tomorrow. Please.
9) Redemption is less than three weeks away!
10) Er, I'm stuck for a ten. Hmm. I bought sock yarn on Saturday that is self-striping so I can justify a plain pattern and thus have a 'no thought' sock ready for Redemption?
Damn, a lot of that is Redemption related stuff. I need to start thinking about my panels. And maybe dig out my convention packing list and work out what I need to take with me.
Did you pick up that I might be a little excited about Redemption? Perhaps? Even Yarn Pirate stuff can't compare to this excitement!
good things list