LJ changes (again)

Dec 03, 2007 11:12

So for anyone on my f-list who managed to miss it, apparently LJ has been taken over by a new company.


I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet. The transfer to Six Apart was announced with equal enthusiasm, but there have definitely been a few problems with it, not least the problems you get when a corporation would actually prefer to pimp their own products rather than develop the new acquisition. I can only assume that LJ didn't fit in with what they'd planned (perhaps we're to ornary and difficult to buy into the 6A philosphy? Go us!). The departure of Brad earlier in the year definitely hinted that it wasn't working out with 6A.

So transferring to an LJ-only company does have promise. The presence of and Advisory Board including elected representatived from the LJ community could be a way of addressing recent communication issues. I find it encouraging that Brad has already agreed to be a member of that Board - it indicates that he might have a bit of faith in the new plan. There are also promises to improve performance and add some of the features that users have been asking for, so we'll see how that goes.

I am not going to do a Chicken Licken thing on this (although I'm sure there are plenty out there already doing it) so I'll just wait and see how the next 100 days go. Should be interesting, anyway!

In other news, my insurer has finally recouped the money from the third party in my accident from 12th March. Yes, it is December now. And the delay was caused by my insurer...being unable to find the invoice for the money they paid the garage for the repairs. Good going.

Unfortunately, they forgot to request a refund on my excess. I have called and blasted them. I now have to send them a copy of the invoice from the garage. Apparently they had a note on the system to say that liability had been established so excess did not need to be paid. Um, unfortunately this note was put on *after* I had the repairs done and paid the garage. The fact that I noted that I wanted my excess repaid in my 20+ phone calls and three letters apparently didn't penetrate. And they wanted to know why I changed insurers? Bleh.

babble, lj

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