Thanks to a post at
torch_wood, I found out that LJ has now enabled syndicated feeds based on a journal's tags, which is very nice. This means that people reading this journal could just get an RSS feed of entries tagged as Haven updates and nothing else, or get all the Doctor Who and Torchwood commentary but none of the other crap I tend to spout :-)
I put some potentially useful feeds in my profile: Today is mostly about re-writing code with changes to make caculations more accurate. Fun! I love being a geek :-)
There has been no snow today, which is slightly disappointing :-(
A collegue has been asking about conventions, seeing as I'm booked out for two next month. Peg 2 is relatively easy to explain, but he's not quite getting the concept of Redemption. Somehow, panels and workshops and opportunities to be silly aren't really working for him. He isn't quite sure what the point, or the end result, will be. Hmmm. Not the kind of chap who does things because they're enjoyable, possibly. He's rather more interested in how much they make...
Speaking of Peg 2, it appears that David Nykl is going to be there. He was very good at SG-10, so this is a definite good thing :-) Apparently there will also be two Fandemonium authors there, which might be interesting.