It's been raining on and off all day. The sky is solid gray and there's a faint haze on the horizon. For some reason, this is making me feel happy, though. Maybe it's the cup of tea sitting next to me and the fact that I'm sitting indoors looking at the icky weather. I think that I'm strange in that way. The only way that I'd feel better is if I were curled up on a sofa with a novel and my cup of tea.
Work is going OK still. We've excitingly managed to get a task scheduler set up on the new PCs which means that all those big spreadsheets I usually have to wait for on a Monday can be run automatically before I even get in. I'll have all my data ready for me to use rather than having panics and insane moments, not getting stuff until lunch and then ending up in the office until 6pm. I won't even have to get up unusually early on a Monday anymore. As
terrybirch commented a couple of days ago, this is starting to turn into a normal job again! I feel more relaxed and happier than I have in months right now, probably a combination of having my job suddenly become sane again and not spending my evenings looking for jobs. I'm not giving up on the job hunt, but I'm backing off and trying to only spend an hour or two a week on it rather than an hour or two a day.
My back hurts, my hips hurt and that's rather crappy, but overall I'm feeling pretty happy right now.
Hmm, I'm feeling a definite wish to read fic when I get home tonight. Time to hunt through the unread folder, methinks, unless someone would like to point me towards any really, really great stuff that I absolutely must read :-)