[First job]: camp CIT
[First screen name]: callinstead
[First funeral]: my grandfather
[First pet]: shakey
[First piercing]: none
[First tattoo]: none
[First credit card]: oh yea, sure...
[First kiss]: uhh...10? at camp. (this one time, at band camp...)
[First enemy]: i can't say i've ever really had one. except for freezer burn. i swear, so many times in my young life i took out some delicious frozen treat only to see that it was in fact freezer burned. that kills me, ya know?
[First favorite musician]: i think bon jovi.
[Last car ride]: yesterday after going to get cruel intentions 3 (i know, i'm sorry.) --like 8 p.m.
[Last kiss]: =( last sunday! but all that will change today!!
[Last movie watched]: ahem. cruel intentions 3. ahem.
[Last beverage drank]: water
[Last food consumed]: gum. if that doesn't count then a bagel.
[Last item purchased]: uhhhh...oh wow, i don't know, but it was probably some kind of food.
[Last phone call]: graham (from houston, sadly.) about 10 minutes ago.
[Last photograh taken]: God, i dunno. oh yes i do. kelly chew's house, i believe it was of our toes.
[Last thing you said:] "i love you, see you soon"
[Last time showered]: yesterday. (i'm getting to it, i'm getting to it)
[Last medicine taken]: claritin about 3 hours ago. yep, you heard it here. it's 11:15 and lindsay has been up for 3 hours. damn cleaning people.
[Last CD played]: lol. billy idol.
[Last Vacation taken]: new jersey to visit my uncle (and his boat) about a month ago.
[Last website visited]: (which loads automatically) and then lj.
[Single or Taken]: very taken.
[Sex]: female
[Birthday]: spring
[Sign]: taurus
[Siblings]: jon
[Hair color]: brown
[Eye color]: blue/grey
[Shoe size]: 7
[Height]: 5'2"
[Weight]: about 115
Right now what are you...
[Wearing]: sometimes i think "wow, a whole quiz and i've escaped this question" but then, it always comes. an airforce sweatshirt and yoga pants.
[Drinking]: water
[Thinking about]: graham coming home from texas (finally)
[Listening to]: "i dont wanna wait" is stuck in my head. (you know, the dawson's creek theme. oh cmon, i know you know it.)
[Going to do]: watch more dawson's creek. (i'd apologize again, thanks.)