First job: CIT
First screen name: callinstead! (forgot about my dumbness in those years)
First self purchased CD: probably was a phase, okay? *flashes to lindsay listening to "bye bye bye" at this very moment)
First funeral: my grandpa
First piercing: none
First credit card: not even close.
First true love: the red ranger (it really was a true love, i swear)
First big trip: disney world when i was like...3
First concert: something dumb like...crosby stills nash...and no young. first big concert is bon jovi though
First musician you remember hearing in your house: nirvana
Wearing: jeans, sweatshirt, crazy socks, slippers
Listening to: jon talking on the phone
Chewing: a mint
Feeling: good
Reading: oh, i wonder what i am reading as i READ THIS QUESTION IN ORDER TO ANSWER IT.
Located: chair, my basement
Chatting with: paul
Watching: the screen
Last big car ride: to get chelsea, about a year ago, and it was only like 3 and a half hours away.
Last kiss: (i'm actually supressing the urge to giggle right now. i hope that scares you as much as it scares me) about...5 hours ago, saying bye to graham at school
Last library book checked out: the great gatsby (early this year)
Last movie seen: timeline. it was horrible, but almost entertaining because of it's horribleness
Last beverage drank: seltzer
Last food consumed: it's been too long, my stomach is growling.
Last phone call: my voice mail, checking a message from graham. and even if that doesn't count, my last phone call would still be graham, so it all evens out, ya know?
Last CD played: heart: bebe le strange at drum lessons today (it's kelly chew's fault for learning this song)
Last annoyance: this survey
Last soda drank: diet coke after school yesterday. but...did i even drink any of that? i think kevin and paul pretty much drank it all.
Last ice cream eaten: butterfinger microblast today at lunch (similar to every day at lunch)
Last time Yelled at:'s been a long stretch....maybe 2 weeks ago?
Last website visited: livejournal!
Last love: if by that you mean current love, graham- but if you mean last love that is gone, i'd have to go with...typer shark deluxe. it was a really fun game, but then i refused to pay for it so i can't continue my underwater exploration!
Last People You Chilled with: my mom?
o9 things you look forward to:
1) graham
2) friday
3) eating
4) sleeping
5) driving
6) getting a job
7) seeing mean girls
8) finishing my math project
9) why is it always hard to think of the last thing?
o8 things you wear:
1) jeans
2) t shirts with weird sayings on them
3) weird socks
4) colorful underwear
5) bras from victoria's secret!(not the sexy kind though)
6) red converse
7) birkenstocks (yea, at the same time as the converse)
8) various rings
o7 things that annoy you:
1) people who think they are always right
2) doing something that you know is a waste of time but that you have to do anyway
3) not being able to sleep
4) having a song stuck in your head when you can only remember line of it
5) having a song stuck in your head in general
6) having multiple songs stuck in your head
7) dying on tibia
-name: it's funny that it's this far into the survey that anyone actually asks my name. it's lindsay
-gender: female
-height: 5'2"
-haircolor: brown
-eyecolor: blue grey
-location: my computadora
-fears: moths
-movie: empire records, reality bites, the breakfast club, 10 things i hate about you...etc.
-song of the moment: "even it up" by heart (dont actually like the song, it's stuck in my head though)
-group of the moment: heart, consequencially.
-store: urban outfitters
-vacation spot: i dont have one.
-ice cream flavor: butterfinger microblast (not a flavor)
-fruit: rasberries are good...blueberries are good. cherries are good...for some reason i'm only thinking of small fruit, but i like most fruit
-candy: butterfinger
-holiday: thanksgiving
-day of the week: friday (or just this friday, no one can really say)
-color: black
-magazine: don't have one
-name for a girl: lindsay (the only name that comes to my very self absorbed mind)
-name for a boy: i dunno
-peed your pants: lol, no of course not...
-cheated on someone: nope
-fallen off the bed: of course
-fallen for a relative: ew, no.
-had plastic surgery: yes, and that's why i look so awesome now
-failed a grade: nope
-had your heart broken: yea, but by myself
-done something you regret: sure, but i wouldn't change it
-brush your teeth: no, and that's why i still have teeth
-like anybody: no, and that's why i have a boyfriend
-have any piercings: no (there's no "and that's why" to that one, cuz i really don't have any)
-drive: soon!
-believe in santa claus: yes, he is my very fattest friend (except for kelly chew).
-ever get off the computer: yea...
-like giving hugs: yea!
-like walking in the rain: uhuh!
-sleep with or without clothes on: with
-prefer black or blue pens: black
-dress up on halloween: i used ta
-have a job: someday
-like to travel: no, well, at least not with my family
-sleep on your side: yep
-want to marry: yea
-have a goldfish: no, a beta though
-have stuffed animals: yep
-single or taken: taken!
-simple or complicated: complicated, definitely complicated
-law or anarchy: yes, i definitely AM the law.
-mtv or bet: i'm still not either of them
-7th heaven or dawsons creek: yea, i'm dawsons creek all the way
-sugar or salt: sugar, i think
-silver or gold: silver.
-chocolate or flowers: chocolate
-hugs or kisses: definitely both
-m&ms or skittles: mmm.....skittles....(taste the rainbow), but peanut m&ms are really good
-rap or rock: rock.
-stay up late or sleep in: ehhh both.
-tv or radio: tv
-hot or cold: hot, of course, even though my body is always cold
-taller members of the opposite sex or shorter: taller.
-sun or moon: moon.
-diamond or ruby: neither
-left or right: right
-10 acquaintances or one best friend: both
-kids or no kids: kids
-cat or dog: both
-half empty or half full: all the way full
-mustard or ketchup: ketchup
-newspaper or magazine: magazine
-spring or fall: spring
-give or receive: give.
-rain or snow: rain.
-a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: friendship, although it is a close one.
-wonder or amazement: amazement
-mcdonalds or burger king: neither
-mexican or italian food: italian!
-lights on or off: off, it's better that way (and by "it's" i mean "life")
-duct tape or scotch tape: duct (and this is the first time i think i fully understood that it's not "duck" tape)
-candy or soda: candy
-a house in the woods or city: woods, because randomly i feel like that right now
-DC or VANS : neither
-hugged: graham
-IMed: paul
-talked to on the phone: graham
-yelled at: ...chelsea?
-fell in love with: graham!
-what do you want to be when you grow up: not sure yet
-what was the worst day of your life: uh, can't think about bad things right now
-what is your most embarrassing story: i stopped getting embarassed by things a long time ago. there are just too many things for me to be embarassed about
-do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yea!!
-if you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them?: on each nipple. just because, wouldn't that be really freaky?
-what do you usually think about before going to bed: graham (i am the sappiest person in the world sometimes)
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R:
1) pierce your nose or tongue? nose..?
2) be serious or be funny? funny
3) drink whole or skim milk? skim
D O Y O U P R E F E R:
5) flowers or angels? flowers.
6) grey or gray? gray, but i usually type grey
7) color or black-and-white photos? black and white
8) crushes or love? love
9) sunrise or sunset? sunset
1o) M&Ms or Skittles? my opinion on this very important subject has changed in the past 3 minutes, of course
11) rap or rock? ditto
12) staying up late or waking up early? late
13) TV or radio? omg, so totally radio this time instead!
14) eating apples or oranges? apples
15) being hot or cold? stop yourself
16) tall members of the opposite sex? THERE ISNT EVEN ANYTHING TO PREFER!
17) sun or moon? STOP
18) emeralds or rubies? oh wow, a little different this time. emeralds
19) left or right? shutup
2o) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? i'm going to have to hurt you
21) snow or rain? sometime soon.
22) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? nilla
23) boys or girls? boys
24) green beans or carrots? green beans
25) low fat or fat free? ...low fat?
A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y:
26) Do you have a crush? uhuh!
27) Who is it? graham
28) Would you bang him? definitely
M I S C E L L A N E O U S:
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? moths. my only fear in the world. and perhaps the stupidest fear of all.
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? hard if i want to prop it between my legs, soft if i want to hold it (...i just realized how bad that would sound if it wasn't apparent that i was talking about books)
36) Sandals or sneakers? sneakers...i think
38) Red car or white car? black!
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor
40) Singing or dancing? both, simultaneously
42) Corduroy or plain? corduroy!?!
43) Happy or sad? why would anyone choose sad?
45) Blondes or brunettes? brunnetes
A B O U T Y O U:
What time is it? 7:53 p.m. (i have yet to start my homework)
Full name? None Ofyour Business (so creative, i know)
Nicknames: lots (yes, "lots" is my nickname, dumbass)
Names and ages of siblings? jon-12
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? i think only one.
Date that you regularly blow them out? may 8th
Pets? 2 dogs, a hampster, some fish
Piercing(s)? none
W H A T D O Y O U W A N T:
Where do you want to live? i'm not sure
How many kids do you want? 2 (just because that seems like a good number)
What kind of job do you want? one that i like
Do you want to get married? i think so
W H I C H I S B E T T E R:
2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 2
Coffee or ice cream? coffee ice cream (nice one andrea)
Shampoo or conditioner? conditioner
Bridges or tunnel? bridges
One pillow or two? at least two
W O R D A S S O C I A T I O N . . .
(first thing that comes to mind):
Boys? graham
Condoms? graham?...kidding, just kidding.
Crying? sadness
Blow Dryer? frizziness
Pickles? pickled cucumbers
Summer? freedom
Winter? coldness
F A V O R I T E S:
Salad dressing? italian or blue cheese
Color of socks? multiple colors
Toothpaste? close up
Food? any food is good
Toothbrush? no specific kind
Drink? water
T H E P A S T:
1 MINUTE AGO: a few questions back
1 DAY AGO: talking on the phone
1 WEEK AGO: being sad w/out graham/hanging out with paul and kelly
1 YEAR AGO: too far back to remember
F E E L I N G S:
I HURT: myself today, to see if i still feel (a song, i do not actually cut myself [just making sure you all knew that])
I LOVE: graham! (this might be a record for most times a person has ever answered "graham")
I HATE: no one!
I FEAR: my hands falling off (they're really cold right now)
I HOPE: i finish my homework
I FEEL: happy!
I HIDE: (thank you)
I MISS: ...graham.
I LEARNED: 4*3=12
I KNOW: 4*3=12
I NEED: graham!
I THINK: shuuutup.
C U R R E N T S:
Current Clothes: different than the beginning of this survey, obviously.
Current Mood: content
Current Music: none?!
Current Taste: mint
Current Hair? my own (thankfully)
Current Annoyance: this survey
Current Smell: my mint
Current Desktop a blue bursty thing
Current Favorite: favorite what?
Current Movie In VCR: none
Current Refreshment: seltzer
i'm sorry sorry about this.