i started this yesterday and then totally forgot about it- so it's time to finish now.

Apr 14, 2004 18:17

What is your name?: Linz
Are you named after anyone?: no, but my middle name is the female form my my dad's name and also it's my aunt's actual name
What's your screename?: same as LJ
Would you name a child of yours after you?: no, i would get too confused
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: john michael, so says my mom
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: when i was little i used to want to be named kelly, but now i think jenabay. because that's a cool name, and also, then when graham says "hi jenabay" to me it'd work cuz that'd actually be my name
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?:lindsey. that annoys me. or sometimes lyndsey. that's annoying too
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: nope

Your gender: female
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Single?: nope
If not, do you want to be?: no way. i love my boyfriend
Birthdate: 5/8
Your age: 15
Your height: ..5'2"..
Eye color: blueish grey
Hair color: brown
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty
Your living arrangement: in a house- with both parents my brother and various pets
Your family: (read above)
Have any pets?: (read above)
Whats your job?: i don't have one (yet)
Piercings?: none
Tattoos?: none. but maybe someday...
Obsessions?: lots
Addictions?: lots
Do you speak another language?: spanish. but you know, i might learn how to speak german, just by reading the king singers CD cover.
Have a favorite quote?: i like lots of quotes. in music appreciation we watched Kudun and at the end he had a good quote. he was asked by this guard at the gates of india who he was, and he replied "i think i am like the moon reflecting on water, you see me, and i try to be a good person, you see yourself" yea, maybe you had to hear it.
Do you have a webpage?: no, not talented enough for that

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it

Do you live in the moment?: i try to
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yea
Do you have any secrets?: no--i actually seriously don't.
Do you hate yourself?: not lately
Do you like your handwiting?: yea, most of the time
Do you have any bad habits?: Yea.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: "you're smart"
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: "Don't Let This Happen To You"
What's your biggest fear?: moths.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no, i wouldn't be capable of that. unless you consider pretending to be peter pan when i was four part of this, but hey, i wasn't really pretending, i really was him, okay?
Are you a loner?: no
What are your #1 priorities in life?: how do you have more than one number one priority? and i don't know what mine is. i guess just- trying to make people happy. something like that
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: maybe. i would think i was really weird i think
Are you a daredevil?: In some ways
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: probably, but i'm sort of in a good mood right now, so i'm not gonna go into it
Are you passive or agressive?: mostly passive but at times agressive, i guess it just depends on the situation, i try my best not to be passive agressive- it's like an insult in my house.
Do you have a journal?: This one.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: my superhuman web making capabilities guys! (said in graham's 'dork' voice) no. i don't know. that i speak my mind i guess. it's both a strength and a weakness, depending on what's on my mind.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: when it comes to dealing with other people's problems, yea, but with my own, definitely not.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: i try not to regret things, but yea there are
Do you think life has been good so far?: yep
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: if you fall down, get back up, or else people step on you. (not an actual lesson i've learned from life, but i'm sure it makes sense on some level)

Do You...

Smoke?: no!
Do drugs?: nope
Read the newspaper?: no, not unless i'm laying out newspaper to do easter eggs (who does that?)
Pray?: yea, well, not really pray, but i do something
Go to church?: No.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: yes- i pretended i was Jesus's body double (good times, timmy, good times)
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yea
Talk to people even though you hate them?: sometimes it's necessary, but i don't pretend to like people that i don't
Drive?: sooN!
Like to drive fast?: i'm sure i will once i can

Would or Have You Ever?..

Liked your voice?: i'm a beautiful singer, okay?
Hurt yourself?: on purpose? no, by accident? all the time
Been out of the country?: nope.
Eaten something that made other people sick?: yep
Been in love?: uhuh!!!
Done drugs?: nope
Gone skinny dipping?: maybe someday, maybe someday
Had a medical emergency?: Nothing too serious.
Had surgery?: Nope.
Ran away from home?: Nope.
Played strip poker?: Nope.
Gotten beaten up?: yea, but not badly or anything- krista used to beat me up, and lauren too, i eventually kicked both of their asses. (okay, that's an overstatement, but let's just say they stopped)
Beaten someone up?: read above
Been picked on?: yea
Been on stage?: yea
Slept outdoors?: yea
Thought about suicide?: yea, but never was actually going to commit it
Pulled an all nighter?: of course
If yes, what is your record?: 6 months. not really, there were some sleeping times in there, but like...3 hours a night tops.
Gone one day without food?: that wouldn't even be possible for me. i would like...die
Talked on the phone all night?: most of the night
Slept all day?: most of the day.
Killed someone?: oh yes, and that's why i'm here writing this livejournal. (no)
Made out with a stranger?: nope
Thought you're going crazy?: i know i'm crazy, actually
Kissed the same sex?: like on the hand or something, yea, but never actually.
Been betrayed?: oh yea
Had a dream that came true?: yea
Broken the law?: nope
Met a famous person?: yea
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: no! except for like spiders and stuff.
On purpose?: no! not even spiders and stuff
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: no, i don't think so
Stolen anything?: no. except for pencils off the floor at school
Been on radio/tv?: yea actually
Been in a mosh-pit?: no, that'd be awesome
Had a nervous breakdown?: not a full out one, but a minor one
Bungee jumped?: no, but that would be cool
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yea


Believe in life on other planets?: yep
Miracles?: yea
Astrology?: not really, but it's fun to see if life ends up fitting the predictions
Magic?: "what are you doing here?" "magic."
God?: the concept of him
Satan?: The one on South Park! (yah mik)
Santa?: yea, in the form of my mom
Ghosts?: sure
Luck?: yea, but i don't often have any
Love at first sight?: sort of, i think you have to kind of know who the person is first though
Yin and yang (that good can't exist w/o bad)?: yea i guess
Witches?: yea
Easter bunny?: uhuh!
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yea
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: yes, along with some lucky charms.
Do you wish on stars?: every once in a while


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yea
Who is your best friend?: kelly paul and timmy (one person, yes)
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: kelly chew...and my mom
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: "shut the fuck up"
Favourite inside joke?: way too many to even start.
Thing you're picked on most about?: lately? the "hi my name is lindsay" kiss
Who's your longest known friend?: emma, since i've known her since i was born
Newest?: i don't really know
Shyest?: kelly, and she's not even shy
Funniest?: they're all funny
Sweetest?: probably jules
Closest?: kelly
Weirdest?: i don't have any nonweird friends
Smartest?: paul
Ditziest?: kelly. ("i wrote daddy on my mom")
Friends you miss being close to the most?: hmm...i dunno
Last person you talked to online?: paul and kelly, simultaneously- right now
Who do you talk to most online?: i dunno, i don't really talk that much online lately
Who are you on the phone with most?: graham...he wins by my 9 hours (a day)
Who do you trust most?: i dunno- probably kelly
Who listens to your problems?: kelly and graham
Who do you fight most with?: paul, but those arn't usually big fights
Who's the nicest?: kevin
Who's the most outgoing?: uhh...
Who's the best singer?: ...paul.
Who's on your shit-list?: i don't even have a shit list
Who's your second family?: basically all of my friends
Do you always feel understood?: most of the time, except when i can't even understand myself.
Who's the loudest friend?: me.
Do you trust others easily?: way too easily
Who's house were you last at?: um- kelly's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: graham!
Do your friends know you?: yea
Friend that lives farthest away: hmm...i don't really have a lot of friends that live far away
Do you consider love a mistake?: Not at all.
What do you find romantic?: random things
Turn-on?: lots at the moment
Turn-off?: meanness
First kiss?: when i was 10
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: horrible- like i was a bad person for not liking them
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them: yea
What's the last present someone gave you?: an easter basket! (from graham)
Are you in love?: yea

Who Was the Last Person...

That you laughed at?: at or with? cuz either way it'd probably have to be kelly
That laughed at you?: probably kelly
That turned you on?: graham
You went shopping with?: kelly and emily
That broke your heart?: me
To disappoint you?: me
To ask you out?: graham!
To make you cry?: Me
To brighten up your day?: graham
That you thought about?: graham!
You saw a movie with?: kelly (the prince and me-quality film)
You talked to on the phone?: graham (yea again)
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: paul
You saw?: jon
You lost?: i dunno
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