London: Pictorial Epilogue (aka "And in the end...")

Feb 22, 2014 09:46

Because there was the occasional spot of sunshine. Like yesterday morning, before I had to catch my flight. Guess what I did before I left that island on the silver sea?

Speaking of road crossing, I'm not one to wait for uniformed men, but if they happen to pass me on my daily walks, well:

You're not allowed to take pictures inside the new Jacobean theatre, but, well, temptation overwhelmed me.

During the "privy break":

Everyone taking their bow at the end:

It was 11 pm by the time The Knight of the Burning Pestle was over, and this was the sight that awaits you outside as you walk home:

Not bad, Sir Christopher Wren. Not bad.

Yesterday, after packing my suitcase, checking out and leaving it in storage, I used the sunshine for a different type of stroll. See, I'd been there before in earlier years, but it was lousy weather then, too, and you do want the sun to shine when you visit Abbey Road. First thought at the sight of the legendary Abbey Road Studios? It's actually a small building. How they managed to keep the fannish hordes out during Beatlemania times, I don't know, but then, they didn't always.

The other thing, which I knew of course but which the physical being there brings home in a different way: on the album cover, the Beatles are walking away from the Abbey Road Studios. Which, given this was the last album they recorded, is symbolically fitting, even if no one knew when taking the cover picture. You can see the studio building in the background here as yours truly attempts her first crossing:

Like I said, there are always people around doing that. It's virtually impossible for a car to drive through Abbey Road uninterrupted. Decades later. Because of an album cover. Even if it is of the best album of the best band of all times.

Anyway, the perspective on the earlier photos is of course not the one used on the cover. That would be this one, and believe me, timing it so no one is on the crossing is tricky:

Three times is the charm, so:

And with that, I took my leave of my favourite city to visit. For this year!

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england, travel, london, beatles

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