
Nov 20, 2013 12:04


Every now and then, someone writes meta so impressive that it leads you to reevaluate a story and a character both. This is what happened to me when reading
local_max ' essay about Willow at the end of season 6. A really thought provoking analysis.

On a light hearted note and of interest to several fandoms: Richard Wilson (he of many character roles through the decades, but most recently Gaius in Merlin) got a life time achievement award at the Scottish BAFTAS, with the laudatory award speech given by David Tennant. Now I knew DT sports long hair in and for his current role as Richard II. for the RSC, but I had assumed that was a wig. I was wrong. He really must have grown it to this impressive length (as someone with long hair herself, my first thought was, but that takes at least two years!), though for the award ceremony it's in a braid, not Plantagenet-style open. This being a Scottish ceremony, he also wears a kilt. Together with his natural accent, this makes for David Tennant in Scots Mode Squared, and also he does his usual thing being endearingly enthusiastic about someone else's work. Check it out:

Watch British Academy Scotland Awards (David Tennant 2013) in Unterhaltung | View More Free Videos Online at

In other news, the Stephen King reading made for a splendid evening yesterday, and if I weren't a fan already, I would be one now. Also, Darth Real Life dodges my steps again, but that won't stop me from watching Catching Fire tonight...

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richard ii, merlin, stephen king, buffy, david tennant, richard wilson, dr. who

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