Oh for... you know the rest

Aug 24, 2013 21:05

...and now I've had the chance to read yesterday's NY Times, what do I find? An op-ed by Anna Gunn re: Skyler White hate. Apparantly she made the mistake of reading the Breaking Bad message boards, where in addition to Skyler bashing there is also actress bashing, complete with death threats. I don't think it would be comforting for her to know this sort of stuff happens in other shows as well, because what the hell? (The quotes she gives from the message boards are seriously freaky. I can't imagine how I'd feel reading this about a) myself and b) a character I've played for years.)

On the other end of the scale, I'm also irritated by the articles who pull that all canard, "these female characters are so badly written, that's why one can't but resent and hate them, it's the writing we hate, yay progressive us, the writing is sexist, our hate is only one more proof of our good taste and socialy conscious attitude", of which I've read several in the past. There are now even German blogs which tell me that the only thing wrong about BB are the women who are just one dimensional caricatures and thus made to be hated. I guess the fact that I went from indifference to passionate love for both Marie and Skyler - who are very different from each other, and neither of whom is a Young Buttkicking Warrior Maiden - is just proof of my bad taste then.

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anna gunn, breaking bad

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