Memes, damm memes and statistics

Aug 18, 2013 18:23

AO3 meme from
ruuger, though I have no idea how to access the "avarage x per story" stats:

Account created: 2009-11-16
Total stories: 189

Total wordcount: 687600
Average wordcount:
Longest story: Incubus (Highlander) (29647 words)
Shortest story: Cold Heaven (ST: DS9)(369 words)

Total kudos: 1483
Kudos per story:
Story with most kudos: Let It Be (ST: DS9) (41) A Yuletide one. I'm happy with it (it's an ensemble story and I wrote several DS9 characters I previously had never tackled, which made it a satisfying challenge to have mastered), but still slightly baffled why it got the most kudos; it's more a series of little vignettes than a story.

Total comments: 371
Comments per story:
Story with most comments: Lebenswerk (Sunset Boulevard) (32) : another Yuletide one, Max and Norma and their folie a deux, and yay for movie lovers commenting!

Total author subscriptions: 24
Total story subscriptions: 0
Story with most subscriptions: None (I usually post my stories in totem)

Total bookmarks: 479
Story with most bookmarks: Spinning Fate (Ovid & Greek Mythology) (16) Yep, Yuletide again. Arachne versus the Gods, The Sequel: Revenge of the Spider.

Stories with no comments or kudos: Err, lots? When I opened my account, I transferred all the old stories I had, and many of them didn't get later comments, though some did.

This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

fanfiction, meme

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