What news on the Rialto?

Apr 10, 2013 09:13

The first pic spam, of course. Incidentally, you won't find many photos of the obvious suspects, because I did that last year, and I point you to this post for seeing some good ones, if I say so myself. However, sometimes one just can't resist. So here is the Canale Grande with the Rialto in the background to kick it off:

More Canale Grande:

A small canale next to the Palazzo Albrizzi, which houses the local Goethe Institute. They currently have an exhibition of someone's pencil drawings about Byron.

Lucky me got to the top floor of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia when no one else was there, which allowed me to open the windows and take pictures of the magnificent view over the rooftops of Venice:

The Foncazione Querini Stampalia, btw, offers a good look at a Venetian Palazzo as a museum, too. So here are some rooms, decidedly ofthe DO NOT TOUCH type:

This is how the Fondazione looks from outside:

It is opposite Santa Maria Formosa:

And next to the Palazzo Malipiero, which makes for whole gallery of little bridges:

Incidentally, if you're wondering about photos of "my" palazzo, I will ask for permission first. After all, it is a private house, not a museum, so I have to make sure it's okay with the owners to post photos of the interior on the internet.

A beautiful canale to round the pic spam off:

This entry was originally posted at http://selenak.dreamwidth.org/887336.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

venice, life in venice, pic spam

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