Being Human 5.02

Feb 12, 2013 06:05

In which we find out more about Alex, and "employees of the month" are never a good idea.

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episode review, being human

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Comments 3

torn_eledhwen February 12 2013, 22:24:42 UTC
I think Oliver did live in the house when he was alive in Victorian times, and did die as he describes, but then went through his door where he was nabbed by the men with sticks and rope and held in Purgatory or Hell or somewhere until there was a use for him again, whereupon he was told to tell Alex he'd been hiding in the house for all those years. I don't think he actually had been. I can't believe two sets of supernaturals wouldn't have noticed!

I liked the Alex/Oliver subplot a lot in this; I agree there was definitely a bit of deja-vu about the manipulation but Hatch's closing monologue was chilling and I'm really intrigued as to how it will play out.


selenak February 13 2013, 14:48:27 UTC
I can't believe two sets of supernaturals wouldn't have noticed!

Me neither, but yes, your explanation makes sense.


abigail_n February 15 2013, 15:38:14 UTC
For me the problem with Hatch's manipulation was not only that it's something the show has done before, but that it's done it with Hal and Tom, and much more effectively. If a mere ghost can destroy Tom by getting him to expect a birthday party (and I maintain that the moment that Tom realizes he's not getting that party is the most gutting in the series), I expect the devil himself to do a little better. Though I did like Hatch's exchange with Tom, which seemed to be more about himself (his resentment of a friend who looked down on him and "cast him out") than about Tom.


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