Sunday recs

Jan 13, 2013 20:14

I discovered that my favourite Star Wars author of old,
fernwithy, is now writing Hunger Games fanfiction, which is delightful news. So far my favourite is this Johanna pov set near the end of Mockingjay, and her still in progress Haymitch-during-Catching Fire series, Golden Mean.

Also, because I guessed her Yuletide story correctly,
amatara wrote me this lovely story about Regent Virini. Spoilers for all five seasons of Babylon 5, so newbies beware, but if you alrready know all the canon, this is a sensitive portrait of a character who gets very little fanfic or meta attention yet was a part of the Centauri storyline through its most crucial seasons.

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the hunger games, fanfic recs, babylon 5

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