
Jan 08, 2013 07:32

You know, many an actor doesn't, independent on how good or bad they are in their chosen craft, provide very interesting interviews. They do them because it's their duty when promoting the latest film/tv show/theatre project they're involved in, but the result often reads no more interesting than the latest PR release from whatever production company is responsible for the film/tv show/theatre project in question. And I have sympathy for that, because providing interesting conversation with total strangers isn't easy, and that's assuming the interviewers aren't the obnoxious type who poke for intimate details. But still: I'm extra thrilled when coming across genuinenly interesting interviews. Which quite often happens when Patrick Stewart is involved.

Here is a recent great example, by the LA Times and apropos the latest TNG anniversary. What's expecially endearing to me is his geeking out about Hollywood history and identifying the Paramount office where specific Sunset Boulevard scenes were shot at as still in use when they were shooting Next Gen at Paramount. (And his making off with the office letters.) But really, it's just an all around enjoyable interview to read. Also, his joke about the next X-Men film being just Magneto and Xavier talking cracks me up, not least because I know a couple of fans including yours truly who'd so be there for that. :)


My latest wave of Jossverse nostalgia trigged by meta and fanfiction alike, to wit:


Buffy and Faith in Bad Girls/Consequences. Meta which manages to be fair to both girls. (Much rarer than you'd think. I remember reading, at the time, a certain BNF's pronouncement that Buffy was behaving "like Stalin", which meant I could never take anything she wrote seriously again.)


as one mourneth for an only son: fantastic Connor fanfiction, covering all his stages from Steven to Connor to new memories!Connor Reilly to Rembering!Connor. Connor and Darla: still my favourites. And it's much rarer to find someone writing the former well than the later.

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patrick stewart, buffy, angel, fanfic rec, meta rec

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