Who rattles their presents?

Dec 15, 2012 16:19

Well, I do. That is to say, I check out the list of posted Yuletide fandoms quite often, and mentally make notes about which fandoms to check out first once the archive gets opened. There are already four B5 stories and two Breaking Bad tales. And I THINK I've spotted the so-far-one-story-fandom which might be my gift, though of course I can't be sure. As for "huh, didn't think someone would write this this year, but it looks like someone did" pleasant surprises, did I spot A Place of Greater Safety on the list with one story? Why yes, I did. Must check out Hilary Mantel inspired French Revolution fanfic as soon as I can. And so forth.

It's a distraction from fretting about the fate of my own two tales, at any rate.:) The joy and peril of Yuletide is that you get to write rare fandoms and have a chance of having those stories read by more than five people, plus you're challenged to tackle themes which might be outside your usual parameters, but - what if the recipient had something else in mind and leaves nothing but a polite "thanks for writing"/ hardly anyone else bothers to check out the tale because there are so many others/ the format you picked doesn't work in the way you hoped it would/the characters you focus on aren't the characters anyone else is interested in/et cetera. You know, the usual. Ah, well. I might as well practice singing "two weeks more" to the Les Mis tune of One Day More, since that film version is another thing to look forward to. And speaking of filk songs, here is a fun one, Xena by way of Gilbert and Sullivan.

Something else distracting to make you smile among worries trivial and tremendous (i.e. the rest of the world): Breaking Abbey, the one and only Downton Abbey/Breaking Bad crossover. Written by Vince Gilligan and starring Thomas (wearing the Jesse Pinkman look quite well), Carson (clearly born to be Mike in another life) and His Lordship (Hugh Bonneville's Walter White impression is hysterical). Mind you, clearly the Downton Abbey character BORN to make a career in the drug trade is the Dowager Countess, for who could ever defeat her?

This entry was originally posted at http://selenak.dreamwidth.org/849660.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

multiverse hilarity, downton abbey, breaking bad, yuletide

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