Fanfic Recs, Shades-of-Grey Females Edition

Dec 05, 2012 11:01


The Road and the Room: an AU which departs from canon in the Westminster scene. Bond doesn't arrive at the inquiry in time, giving Silva the chance to abduct M. What then? It's an M pov throughout, her weary strength and sharpness captured fantastically well, Silva and Bond ring very true, and so does the way she relates to each. If you' ( Read more... )

james bond, harry potter, fanfic recs, skyfall

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Comments 2

ayrdaomei December 5 2012, 11:06:06 UTC
Oh, thanks especially for that AU rec, which I'm bookmarking now. I have been arguing with a friend of mine about how the Silva/M storyline could have been handled better, and I kept coming back to the Enquiry scene playing out differently.


leviathan0999 December 17 2012, 13:10:45 UTC
Not relating directly to this post. Seen on Twitter:

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