Apocalyptic tales

Nov 18, 2012 09:00

As far as horror tropes go, zombie stories aren't really for me. (They're depressing, you can't really negotiate with zombies, and then there's the unfortunate possible subtext which Joss Whedon lampooned when making his Mitt Romney spot.) But
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the walking dead, fanfic rec, james bond, skyfall

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astrogirl2 November 18 2012, 13:45:28 UTC
Ah, The Walking Dead! That's really kind of an odd show for me, because it's a very rare example of one where, for a long time, at least, I managed to enjoy it despite having no great interest in or any real liking for any of the characters. But then, I do like zombie stories, and TWD does the zombie genre pretty well, being genuinely scary, with some interesting plot twists and a real sense that anything could happen to anybody at any time.

I recently mentioned on my LJ, though, that I was developing something of a soft spot for Daryl. In truth, that's an understatement; I've really become quite smitten with the guy. Which is almost a little embarrassing to admit... He is a fan favorite, apparently, and for good reasons, but not so much the kind I usually go for. But he does have that combination of extreme competence and a certain endearing kind of emotional damage, and, unlike the rest of this group, he is not inclined to stand around bickering about everything. And yet, he's a surprisingly good team player with all those bicker-prone folks. And... Well, I could go on. :)

I was also surprised by the amount of Daryl/Glen I found on AO3 when I went looking for fic, but I have the impression that most of it was probably written by one or two people. Me, I've decided I ship him with Carol, in part because it is mercifully impossible to smoosh Daryl/Carol together into any kind of cutesy pairing name. :)

And I agree with you about T-Dog. What I really want to say about him is spoilery, so I'll just echo your annoyance that he never seems to get any characterization. Hell, whole episodes have gone by where I was nearly able to forget his existence. :(

Not that you seemed to be wavering, but I do recommend sticking around for season 3. On the whole, I've been happy with it so far. They start it off with a little bit of a time jump, which is a useful thing for the child actor situation and which also seems to have made some improvements on the adults.


selenak November 18 2012, 15:12:15 UTC
Nothing wrong with occasionally loving the fandom favourite. :) You still have your indie cred, given Stark.

it is mercifully impossible to smoosh Daryl/Carol together into any kind of cutesy pairing name. :)

Caryl? Darol? Also, I thought the ultimate challenge in this regard were Katniss/Peeta from The Hunger Games(between "Peeniss" and "Katpee", portmanteaus are kind of out), but recently I discovered someone came up with calling the pairing "Toast". (Which at least is funny, sort of.)


astrogirl2 November 18 2012, 16:25:39 UTC
I'm OK with being into the fandom favorite, but I really don't usually go for the rough-and-tumble guys. :)

Caryl? Darol?

Neither of which works if you pronounce them, 'cause they just end up sounding like the character's individual names. Possibly from now on, I will stick to only shipping people whose names rhyme. :)

Also, I thought the ultimate challenge in this regard were Katniss/Peeta from The Hunger Games(between "Peeniss" and "Katpee", portmanteaus are kind of out),

*snort* But if people these days sometime refer to K/S as "Kock," I'm not sure I'd rule out "Peeniss."

but recently I discovered someone came up with calling the pairing "Toast". (Which at least is funny, sort of.)

OK, that's actually rather clever. :)


likeadeuce November 18 2012, 15:49:18 UTC
I was confused about the whole 'Daryl' thing because I didn't remember him at all from the parts of the comic I'd read, and it turns out he was invented for the TV show. Maybe this is another thing I will swear to watch when it's all over and then not actually do it.


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