Apocalyptic tales

Nov 18, 2012 09:00

As far as horror tropes go, zombie stories aren't really for me. (They're depressing, you can't really negotiate with zombies, and then there's the unfortunate possible subtext which Joss Whedon lampooned when making his Mitt Romney spot.) But
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the walking dead, fanfic rec, james bond, skyfall

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likeadeuce November 18 2012, 13:20:06 UTC
I have never seen Walking Dead (I read a couple volumes of the comic and wasn't very interested in it -- it's well done, just not my thing, and I understand the show diverges from the comic pretty early on). However, re: characters of color, I believe Michonne (who according to the wiki showed up in season 2 finale) becomes a regular in season 3. I don't know about TV Michonne, but my impression is that comic book Michonne is one of the most popular characters.


selenak November 18 2012, 15:13:38 UTC
There was a mysterious shadowy figure (face not revealed, presumably because the role wasn't cast yet) in the last but one scene. I'm assuming that's Michonne, then.


likeadeuce November 18 2012, 15:46:07 UTC
Ahh, that explains it.

Admittedly I mostly know Michonne from BAMF Girls Club


astrogirl2 November 18 2012, 16:30:52 UTC
Not to get into any spoilers for S3... But TV Michonne, from what I understand, has gotten mixed responses so far, with a lot of people complaining -- reasonably, I think -- that she looks bad-ass but has had zero character development, or even characterization, so far. I'm not really in touch with the fandom, but I have heard a few people complaining that she's much less awesome than the comics version, sadly.

(One of these days, I will get around to reading the comics. I've got a giant omnibus volume of them just sitting around waiting for me.)


likeadeuce November 18 2012, 16:44:40 UTC

I have to say that my perspective on comics Michonne was that in reading the first couple volumes, one of my complaints was that there were no interesting women. The response I got was a lot of, "Wait until Michonne shows up!" But I didn't feel like sticking around that long. I don't know how the show compares as far as female characters; fannish osmosis suggests a mixed reaction to them.


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