Skyfall (Film Review)

Nov 01, 2012 08:08

In which Sam Mendes assembles a stellar cast as the franchise turns fifty, and I'm sorry, Sean Connery, that's settled it. I was already wavering before, but now I'm certain. Craig!Bond is my favourite. (Well, other than Bashir, Julian Bashir, of course.)

There never was a question as to who is my favourite M )

james bond, film review, skyfall

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kathyh November 1 2012, 09:37:29 UTC
Glad you enjoyed as I rather thought you would :)

if Judi Dench!M had to leave us, this was the way to do it.

Yes, that's what I thought too. It was a fitting end for her, killed in action, partly as a result of her own choices but having defended her service to the end and regalvanised Bond in the process.

btw, that speech was as much an argument as to why there should still be spy movies in the computer age as anything else

Again, that's what I thought. It was a defence of the Bond franchise as much as anything else. Incidentally I heard an interview with Sam Mendes and he said he didn't want to go too high tech with the action but make it tell a story, which also worked for me. I think directors with masses of CGI at their disposal should always try to remember that the action should serve the story, not the story the action.

"what makes you think it's my first time?"

I thought they were going with homophobic cliche and I thought it was jarring until that line came along *g*.

given that Kincade mishears Bond's introduction of M as "Emma" and addresses her with that name, I couldn't help but wonder whether Dench!M was Emma Peel

That would be perfect! Unfortunately I think Sam Mendes is too young to remember the heyday of Emma Peel but I shall adopt it as head canon.

Sean Connery has been surpassed for me too.


selenak November 1 2012, 11:07:26 UTC
But Kathy, even those of us born after the divine Ms. Peel reigned on screen are aware of her existence. :) So Mendes and his scriptwriting team can be as well.


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