The Good Wife 4.05

Oct 30, 2012 07:27

And Eli makes it through his third episode in a row where he's not comic relief, while there are long term arcs all over the place.

You know, I love shades of grey and I get that we're supposed to get one with Lamont Bishop, concerned and tender father, but the whole time, especially when Bishop filled out papers for his sister, I couldn't help wondering what had become of Mrs. Bishop, presumably the boy's mother. You know, the one we saw, when was it, last season or the one before that? When she tried to leave her husband and was blackmailed back in? No, it must have been s2 because Kalinda got finally rid of Blake by framing him as Mrs. Bishop's lover, which he hadn't been. Anyway, I think there was a brief mention of "your mother" at the start of the episode, but I didn't catch what was said about her. So what did Mr. Bishop, Caring Father, to Mrs. Bishop, Wife Who Had Tried To Leave Him And Was Blackmailed Back, show?

Speaking of husbands who don't take well to being left: to no one's joy, after giving us a one episode break, Nick is back. I thought it was a neat bit of ambiguity that it was left open whether Kalinda told Lana near the end that there wasn't anything between them because a) she was ticked off Lana is still keeping survillailance on her, b) because Nick broke into Lana's apartment, and Kalinda is aware that Nick is quite capable of killing Lana despite her being an FBI agent out of jealousy if he continues to believe she's Kalinda's girlfriend, or c) the sole reason why Kalinda had sex with Lana was to put off Nick off, and it hadn't worked but backfired, so there's no reason to do it again. As for Kalinda not telling Cary Nick the annoying client is also Nick her abusive ex, that's imo definitely more on the side of "I don't want Cary to get beaten up/crippled/killed by Nick if Nick figures out Cary is interested in me. Note, though, that the show actually gives Nick one of Cary's lines from last season, to wit, "you're in my head". Writerly laziness, unwitting self repetition or foreshadowing that Cary despite not being a stalkery obsessive does have things in common with Nick other than being blond?

Meanwhile, Cary seems to be the L & G employe deciding to treat Nathan Lane's character like a person instead of a suspicious albatros around the neck, and lo and behold, Super!Accountant comes to the rescue. (He should meet Skyler White from Breaking Bad.) (No, seriously. It occurs to me that Skyler is going to need good lawyers - other than Saul - anyway now that Hank knows what's what, and a legal job if they manage to keep her out of jail, so becoming an accountant at L & G would be just the ticket.) I want to see more of their blooming friendshp, it's adorable.

Alas, Alicia's and Mattie's blooming friendship is now put to the test. Mind you, this is interesting: because if Alicia does manage to remain friends with Mattie despite Mattie having withdrawn her support from Peter's campaign, she will have proved to the woman that she wasn't just interested in the money, and conversely, Alicia will find someone remains friendly without needing her either for the L & G or the Peter connections.

I continue to wonder how long the story of the campaign worker will be dragged out, though, and continue to have a bad feeling despite her proven lies, because, see episode review from last week about the rules of tv.

That Jackie's hallucination scene this week came without jaunty music and instead with Alicia's concern being in it again and Jackie was allowed a dignified exit at the end of it makes me feel the slightest bit better about how the show treats her condition.

Trivia observation of the week: is this the first time Peter remembers before Alicia does to tell the kids of an impending disaster?

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episode review, the good wife

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