The Ents would disapprove

Oct 03, 2012 14:24

Busy rl means comparatively little online time, but next week is the Frankfurt Book Fair, which means even less, so, in haste:

The Good Wife season opener: haven't seen it yet, hope I'll manage before Frankfurt.

Homeland season opener: I did manage this one. With some caveats (for example, can't imagine the CIA not having camera surveillance in a director's office, but what do I know, my most familiar CIA is the one which rehired Arvin Sloane after he spent many a year in evil overlording) and a characterisation complaint for a supporting character (show, suddenly writing Jess as shallow and success obsessed, thus deflating what could be good points she could make in an argument, is not the way to do!), I was thrilled. Carrie Mathison continues to be such an amazing lead, with not endearing but genuinenly ugly flaws yet so intense and compelling, and also, the show really takes her condition and that spoilery thing she did at the end of of last season because of it serious and shows consequences down to minor things, instead of treating it as a macguffin. I really like Dana. Who among other things is used in a scene that's a good way of working against the obvious trap this show, given its premise, could fall into. So, bring on the next episode!

Breaking Bad: Darth Real Life leaves me no time to comment, but how could I not mention that there is extensive Skyler White meta!

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homeland, the good wife, breaking bad

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