Prometheus Recs

Aug 13, 2012 09:44

Since most of these stories are set post-movie, they are inevitably spoilery when described. Hence

What I wanted to read most about was what comes next - and btw, I hear they did secure both Rapace and Fassbender for the sequel, so hooray! - and fanfic complied, giving me various stories of Elizabeth Shaw and David and their journey together, with the emphasis on just how much distrust is involved and how much alliance eventually happens differing from author to author. All variations I list below strike me as plausible.

A Merciful Creator: Post-movie, Elizabeth has to make some decisions about David and about what to believe. Deborah_judge in all the fandoms I've read her in always specializes in getting the spirituality of the characters, and a crisis of faith as the one the film triggers in both Elizabeth Shaw and David for different reasons is right up her alley. Add their tense and compelling situation at the end of the film, and you have a sharp and thoughtful character vignette.

The Machine in Your Hand: a longer story, and perhaps my favourite among those I've found, with each chapter its own jewel. Have a representative quote to see how Shaw and David are written here:

"If I may ask a personal question," she says, sharply, "What did you say to the Engineer before he broke your head off and killed your father?"

"An excellent question. I said, 'see what's become of us'."

Shaw doesn't know enough of their primordial language to know if he's telling the truth.

road rules: because what ever fandom needs is also humorous fic. Not easy to pull off in Prometheus (or the Alien franchise in general), but the author succeeds. Elizabeth's and David's Excellend Adventure: the crack fic version.

Cronus: in which Elizabeth Shaw explores space and manages the occasional non-hostile conversation about Greek myths with the robot she has every reason to distrust. This one captures the sense of wonder which was one of the surprising and welcome additions of Prometheus to the Alien franchise.

Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky: whereas this one goes for the terror of space exploration, the huge emptiness of it all. Dark and compelling.

We are each the sum of our own devising: probably features the most angry version of Elizabeth Shaw, and in a David pov, no less. (Android/robot/replicant povs which are plausible other are hard, so I admire what the author is doing here all the more.)

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prometheus, fanfic recs

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