fannish5: Five Needing-To-Quitters

Aug 12, 2012 17:07

Five characters who should quit their jobs (and why).

1.) Severus Snape (Harry Potter). During the time canon was still open, of course. Let’s face it, Snape was a fascinating character but a really horrible teacher, even if you discount anything to do with Harry. The two most glaring proofs about Snape’s unsuitability as a teacher that come ( Read more... )

downton abbey, dexter, harry potter, breaking bad, babylon 5

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zahrawithaz August 13 2012, 17:05:59 UTC
Let’s face it, Snape was a fascinating character but a really horrible teacher, even if you discount anything to do with Harry

Oh, yes yes yes yes YES. Having just finished listening to HP3 on audiobook, where the Snape-as-boggart scene appears, I've been thinking about just how much time Harry spends as an unwittingly unreliable narrator, and how clear Rowling makes it that Snape is a terrible teacher apart from his interactions with Harry.

In POA Shape's actions in the adult plot actually make quite a bit of sense given what he knows and doesn't (actually, from what I fuzzily remember this may be true for the entire series), but there's no question that he's a malicious disaster in the classroom. I especially agree with your points on Hermione and Neville.

And likewise on Thomas. Oh, Thomas! Tin Pan Alley would be great. There are so many wonderful plots that could be done with him, especially in the 1920s, but none of them involve sticking around Downtown Abbey. I do hope that at least they give him a boyfriend in the next series, but I'm not holding my breath.


selenak August 14 2012, 16:12:59 UTC
I've been thinking about just how much time Harry spends as an unwittingly unreliable narrator, and how clear Rowling makes it that Snape is a terrible teacher apart from his interactions with Harry.

Quite. Sometimes people seem to assume the two are mutually exclusive, but they're not.

re: Thomas, I hope for at least boyfriend, too, but, like you, not with much hope. Well. Then again, next season will include Shirley McLaine. I somehow can't see how you can cast Ms. McLaine and not do a sing and dance number at some point... maybe Thomas will get inspired?


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