Another country

Aug 11, 2012 09:10

And in today's variation of lamenting the blueness of the sky:  I don't get the current passion for pairing up characters from different fandoms simply because their actors played a popular slash pairing elsewhere. This post is brought to you by the coincidence of yours truly recently stumbling across the following:

1) Prince Hal, aka Henry V./ Huntsman from Snowhite and....  Here I was, hoping the success of The Hollow Crown would result in more Shakespeare fanfic, which it did, but so far the dominating genre seems to be pairing Hal with a fairy tale character which confused me for the second it took me to remember who plays the Huntsman in the recent film. Okay then.  Personally, I'd have thought Hal was more the type to go for Rumpelstilzchen (until he dumps the guy when getting respectable), but have it your way. And where, I ask you, is my Henry IV./ Marquise de Merteuil fic, based on the fact Jeremy Irons and Glenn Close played husband and wife elsewhere?

2) Charles Xavier/David 8. Not exactly what I was looking for when checking out the Prometheus section  at the AO3. Look, if you want an X-Man famous for falling for doppelgangers of his beloved, Scott Summers is your man. Also, fond as I am of the McAvoy and Fassbender incarnations, nothing will ever surpass Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, and I now post facto am most aggrieved the true passion of Picard and Gandalf was denied. Clearly.

3) Bane/John Blake. Given Selina Kyle was the best thing about the new Batman by almost universal agreement, I checked out the Batman section to see whether there was more Selina, and there was (thanks, fandom!), but there was also the pairing of two characters who never meet on screen in the fine tradition of Hawkeye/Coulson, I'd say, except it was obviously based on That Guy/The Other Guy from Inception, played by the same actors.  What the Trekker in me wants to know: if you can get over Bane's mask and utter lack of interest in cops as anything but canon fodder as an impediment, when is it time for Tom Hardy's Picard clone from Nemesis getting it on with Loki? They sound like soulmates, what with being into mindwiping and non-con, and I think Hiddleston and Hardy were in some BBC costume drama together.

All this being said, I must admit I await the Bilbo/Smaug slash as soon as The Hobbit hits the screen (or rather, earlier, since fandom today doesn't even need interaction as inspiration) based on the actors with some glee. Let's hear it for the true love of a Hobbit and his dragon!

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batman, shakespeare, hobbit, marvel, x-men, prometheus

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