....but Mark Gatiss?

Aug 09, 2012 14:58

My feelings, they're just a biiiiiiiiit mixed upon reading the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who will be honoured a drama about the beginnings of the show . On the one hand: great idea, and I hope for Verity Lambert (first producer, and as a young female producer in the BBC in the early 60s a pioneer in more than one way) as the central character. ( Read more... )

mark gatiss, dr. who

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airie_fairy August 9 2012, 14:12:53 UTC
But I liiiiiiiike multi-Doctor affairs. They are a hilarious staple!

I will still be curious to see how this turns out, of course. I particularly want to see who they cast as Hartnell.

While I have nothing, nothing positive to say about Invaders from Mars, The Great Game is my favorite of the first season of Sherlock (it has the least in the way of glaring, obnoxiously blatant plot holes and general stupid, and also I like the pacing).


selenak August 9 2012, 14:43:35 UTC
I freely admit my preference for Study in Pink is due to the better Lestrade content. But I also find Moriarty nail on chalk in The Great Game.

Hartnell: um, Christopher Eccleston, she says not entirely jokingly? He has the right age!


airie_fairy August 9 2012, 14:46:28 UTC
Well, yeah, Moriarty isn't great, but he's hardly there, so it's okay.

Christopher Eccleston's like ten years younger and ten feet taller than he should be! XD


selenak August 9 2012, 18:03:52 UTC
Well, Ecclestone was also 26 years too old to play John Lennon (AND to tall), and yet he did.:) plus Hartnell wasn't that old. Jon Pertwee was the oldest actor to take the role, actually (though far fitter than Hartnell); as far as I recall Hartnell was only in his 50s. What gave me the idea was Gatiss saying William Hartness was known for tough guy roles before and thus an unlikely choice for the role...


airie_fairy August 10 2012, 05:06:22 UTC
I know Hartnell was in his fifties. He was like 55 at the start of it, right? And 58 by the end. So okay, Eccleston's ten years younger than end-of-his-era Hartnell. (Hartnell was actually the oldest to take the role, as far as I remember and googling is telling me, but Jon Pertwee was close, in his early fifties). But, yeah, I get what you're thinking. I just don't think we could get Nine in there to play One without me laughing hysterically at how deeply unconvincing it is. XD


abigail_n August 9 2012, 15:21:08 UTC
I think the problems with Moriarty can be blamed more on the actor and the direction he received than the writing. Though I do agree that "A Study in Pink" is a tighter story, I quite like "The Great Game."


diysheep August 10 2012, 08:09:33 UTC
I agree with you on Moriarty. A fantastic character that went fzzz.


marence August 10 2012, 22:02:06 UTC
I want to see Gary Oldman as William Hartnell's 1st Doctor. Please.


selenak August 11 2012, 06:12:41 UTC
That would be terrific casting, all kidding aside.


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