Thirty Days of Borgias: Day Fourteen

Jul 25, 2012 09:57

Day 14 ~ Re-Write History: Something you wish never happened.

I think they should have left it at Giovanni Sforza's historical humiliation with the impotence ridicule from the s1 finale instead of letting Cesare actually kill him off mid s2. Not because of any sympathy for Giovanni Sforza, but because leaving aside accuracy (I'm totally prepared to handwave there, as you must when watching this and other history related shows), it just felt like redundant fan service. And okay, it also served to give Caterina Sforza a reason for a blood feud, but she wasn't going to comply with Borgia dominance anyway (the whole "bowing to no one" principle), so that wasn't necessary.

In conclusion: Declaring Lucrezia’s first marriage void on the grounds of her husband’s impotence felt like creative and terrific comeuppance for Sforza in addition to being good politics (as he had proven himself useless as an ally). Cesare knifing the guy felt like, to repeat myself, redundant fan service and I wish they hadn’t done it.

Day One ~ Picture or gif that expresses your reaction to the show.

Day 02 ~ Favourite female character.

Day 03 ~ Favourite male character.

Day 04 ~ Favourite antagonist.

Day 05 ~ Favourite quote from The Borgias.

Day 06 ~ Who do you ship?

Day 07 ~ Three words that describe The Borgias.

Day 08 ~ Favourite moment so far.

Day 09 ~ Least favourite character.

Day 10 ~ Would you rather be a cardinal or a soldier?

Day 11 ~ Favourite outfit worn by anyone.

Day 12 ~ Historical Crackship: Who belongs together, time and space be damned?

Day 13 ~ Re-Write History: Something you wish had happened.

Day 14 ~ Re-Write History: Something you wish never happened.

Day 15 ~ FREE DAY - Anything you’d like

Day 16 ~ Link to an interview or video you think is funny.

Day 17 ~ Favourite episode.

Day 18 ~ Give some advice to one of the characters.

Day 19 ~ Character that’s the most like you.

Day 20 ~ What do you like best about The Borgias?

Day 21 ~ Link to a Borgias blog.

Day 22 ~ Make or link to a graphic of your favourite ship.

Day 23 ~ Cesare, Juan & Lucrezia: Shag, marry, stab - what would you do?

Day 24 ~ Favourite quote from The Borgias.

Day 25 ~ Good riddance: Who have you not been sorry to see killed off?

Day 26 ~ A scene you can watch over and over again.

Day 27 ~ Fightin’ words: Who would you like to see in a fight to the death?

Day 28 ~ Fancast: Who would you like to see in a role on The Borgias?

Day 29 ~ Link to a fanvid you like.

Day 30 ~ How would you end the show?

This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

meme, the borgias

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