
Jul 01, 2012 14:08

I.) Last night I was at the opera. This year, the Munich opera did the entire Ring and last night they showed the final part, the Götterdämmerung. Unfortunately, after the three previous productions were all well sung and imaginatively staged (the first production in which bringing masses of people who aren't in the script on stage actually worked ( Read more... )

patrick stewart, merlin, shakespeare, wagner

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Comments 30

shezan July 1 2012, 21:14:23 UTC
Hollande as BRÜNNHILDE???

Mind you, the First Girlfriend has more than once been referred to as Walkyrie Tweetweiler, so she, on the other hand......

Any link to this updated production? This deserves a tweet!


selenak July 2 2012, 05:56:02 UTC
You can watch excerpts on video here.


thornyrose42 July 1 2012, 23:12:12 UTC
I do find rule number 2 especially ironic and a bit frustrating because the show has so consistently portrayed Merlin as the absolute biggest Gwen/Arthur fanboy. He spends pretty much the whole series waving pom-poms and cheering them on from the sidelines. About the farthest I could accept would be a sort of 'Merlin encourages Gwen so he can live vicariously through her'. But then the solution to that is so obviously OT3 rather than a hissy fit that we end up back where we started ( ... )


selenak July 2 2012, 05:58:36 UTC
Exactly. :) It would be much more fun if people were writing more fanfic for the show you and are are watching instead of for the show they are watching!


zahrawithaz July 9 2012, 03:36:52 UTC
You have the two extremes between the fanatic Arthur/Merlin OTP crowd who curses Gwen (and her breasts) for existing

SO TRUE. (Augh, the breasts!)

and the Gwen fans who think the show doesn't have anything worthwile to watch but Gwen and everyone else is horrible (and/or horribly written).And THIS. Particularly on collapse of "horribly written" with "not what I want to watch ( ... )


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