
Jul 01, 2012 14:08

I.) Last night I was at the opera. This year, the Munich opera did the entire Ring and last night they showed the final part, the Götterdämmerung. Unfortunately, after the three previous productions were all well sung and imaginatively staged (the first production in which bringing masses of people who aren't in the script on stage actually worked ( Read more... )

patrick stewart, merlin, shakespeare, wagner

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a_g_doren July 1 2012, 18:14:41 UTC
I have my corner of Merlin fandom and I stick to it. It is a very small place with only a very few writers. I don't think I've ever read a fic that would fit 1 or 2 unless some jack-ass posted it where it didn't belong which has happened.

3) I understand why people want pretend that Morgana didn't do so many of the horrible things that she has done mainly because her transition from hero to villain was unbelievable/unclear in many ways and viewers just want it to have not ever happened. Especially since Morgana and Gwen so clearly love each other in S1 and S2. That said I think I would literally be sick if I read a fic like that. I know a woman who was set up to be raped by another woman. The other woman that got raped and never knew why that woman did that to her.

4) The faux feminist is some one of the worst because the posters are just trying to cover some of their own misogyny/racism/whatever. I really don't pay them any mine.

I'm writing a long fic all about Gwen being banished, the aftermath, consequences etc...Its very much deconstructionist. There is some strong, strong Arthur hate in the comments. The fic doesn't excuse Arthur but tries to bring in the political aspects of why Arthur would have felt that Gwen's actions required him to punish her, his general thoughts on why she cheated on him, why she agreed to marry him that sort of thing. Some of the Arthur hate is really strong and I like Arthur actually so its disappointing to read it in the comments. :(

I do think Merlin failed Gwen personally in the episode for several reasons. First I see him having just sort of erred in the sense that his enemies do A he does B they do see C he does D and he was just sort of on autopilot, not ever considering the fact that Gwen being Arthur's fiance makes her a target just like Arthur. He literally made a mistake in his job one that he also makes with Agravaine and the siege plans.I hope the events of these episodes are actually setting up Merlin to realize that he can not do his job properly as long as his magic is secret because no matter how powerful he is he can't do everything by himself.

I also felt that he failed her as a friend by not simply confronting her when she was sneaking around to see Lancelot. I'm sorry but if two of the people you care about most in the world are getting married tomorrow and one of them starts sneaking around with their 'ex or whatever you pull that person aside and call them on it.

I don't hate Merlin for his failures but I think Gwen would and should seriously doubt their friendship if she ever finds out the things he concealed.

I can buy the Lancelot!shade=Gwen enchanted leap. Not an assumption that she must be enchanted but surely enough to call everything that is happening into question. The timing of Shade-a-lot's return was awfully convenient. Gwen and Lancelot had an entire year to sneak around, have an affair, whatever and they didn't or Merlin saw no sign of it. Then just before Arthur and Gwen are supposed to get married Shade-a-lot appears and Gwen is sneaking around -rather carelessly I might add- its so much of a coincidence I feel that Merlin should have found it more suspicious than he did rather than just accept what he was witnessing.

But I don't blame this on Merlin really I blame it more on the writers.

Somewhere on there is fic where Gwen during her banishment somehow befriends the druids, learns magic, figures out what happened to her, captures Morgana and brings her back in chains and clears her own name. Gwen's anger focuses on Arthur in this fic and it could stand some polishing but there was a lot I liked about it.


thornyrose42 July 1 2012, 23:30:18 UTC
Morgana did love Gwen, but she also made Gwen's father's death much more about her own relationship with Uthur rather than about her friend's grief. I'll definitely agree that Morgana's transition to Evil!TM was badly handled, but there is a continuity between Morgana's actions and attitudes in the first two seasons and her attitudes and actions in the later two.


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