
May 17, 2012 07:59

I'm busy making photos madly, as one does in Venice, since arriving last afternoon, but the hotel internet connection is very shaky, so I don't know when/if I'll be able to upload...

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

venice, travel, via ljapp

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Comments 2

airie_fairy May 17 2012, 06:57:45 UTC
Have you ever been to La Carta? It's this charming stationary shop...uh, off the main street a bit, I wish I could give Italian directions, full of beautiful stuff and a very interesting old man who runs it with his wife, and I bought a gorgeous frame when I was there, and if you haven't gone you totally should.

I'm sorry, you said you were in Venice and that's one of my main memories. I really loved that place.


selenak May 18 2012, 16:11:32 UTC
Alas I could not find it, but am always grateful for tips!


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