The art of writing in an interesting fashion about your own life is still severely underestimated. Having had an interesting life doesn't do the trick, as I found out many years ago when I slogged through Marlene Dietrich's memoirs, which were deadly dull, despite the facts of her life being certainly of the fascinating kind. But not many people
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This being said, do I think George could have felt pressured? Possibly. He did say, in one of the Anthology interviews, that the first time he felt he got some real respect from John was when he scored a blonde from art college. (Resulting not in virginity loss, but there was some heavy making out.) Otoh he also said how great it was that in Hamburg you didn't have to go through all the restrictions but you could have sex whereas in Liverpool the girls seemed always to stop after a certain point. Basically, what I think is that George was in this regard your avarage male teenager: very interested in sex, fueled by the double incentive of wanting to have it for its own sake and of wanting to show off to his friends that he was just as able to score with women as they were. My guess would also be that John in reality didn't put all that much pressure on George; I doubt he cared one way or the other just when George lost his virginity, though he probably teased him a couple of times about being the baby of the group etc., and George, hero-worshipping John, paid far more attention than was warranted.
Glad you liked the Ringo story!
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