The art of writing in an interesting fashion about your own life is still severely underestimated. Having had an interesting life doesn't do the trick, as I found out many years ago when I slogged through Marlene Dietrich's memoirs, which were deadly dull, despite the facts of her life being certainly of the fascinating kind. But not many people
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He did have his adolescent moments during Let it Be, and "what's the point?" sounds like one of them, but as I said - he also had a lot more moments where he tried to make the project work, and this despite the fact that a) he hadn't wanted to do it in the first place, and b) his dissatisfaction about not getting more room for his own songs on Beatles albums was ever more fueled. Let's not forget, these were the sessions where George offered "All Things Must Pass" and met monumental indifference, whereas things like "Dig It" or "Yer Blues" ended up on the album, plus Paul was already starting to work on Maxwell's Silver Hammer. I'm not anti Maxwell and think both John and George were unfair about it, but if I were George, had just written some of my undeniably best songs, and got zero reaction while John and Paul were busy with less than stellar songs of their own? I'd have reacted less than maturely as well. (Mind you, of course Paul also offered some of his best songs ever, but I don't think George had a problem with Let It Be, Two of Us or The Long and Winding Road.)
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