One good think Roland Emmerich did: his Anonymous produces the best collection of snarky reviews on an academic subject in a long while. Also it confirms that non-genre fans behave just like everyone else in a flame war. One tearing-into-shreds of the Oxfordian extravaganza provoked the scriptwriter to appear -
you can read it all here - and to be yet another example of why the author should never, ever, get into internet arguments with people reviewing his work. It's all "why are you so mean?" and "you didn't do this to Tom Stoppard when he wrote Shakespeare in Love, did you?!?". (Whereupon both the reviewer and a lot of posters pointed out that that no one involved in the production of Shakespeare in Love includcing Tom Stoppard ever claimed this was THE HISTORICAL TRUTH OMG but emphasized it was playful fiction. WHereas Roland Emmerich is currently making me cringe due to our shared nationality by declaring no English director would have been courageous enough to film the truth about how only the noble Oxford and not the hack from Stratford could have written Shakespeare. Stick with Godzilla, for God's sake, Roland, stick with Godzilla. Every time you tackle history it's just that special extra cringeworthy. (See also: The Patriot, starring only free black workers in pre-Independence South Carolina happily employed by our hero, and a scene directly ripped off from Hitlerjunge Quex for the grand climax.) Anyway, if you hand out packages to schools claiming a film that gives Elizabeth I. three illegitimate bastards and manages to misdate every single Shakespeare play is of educational value, you have only yourself to blame if you get flamed as a result.
On another note, recently I came across this pretty photo:
Subtitled: The Beatles’ style council: Brian Epstein and Astrid Kirchherr. Which is funny because it's true. Astrid gave them the hair cut (well, half of them) and the black leather, plus she taught them to pose for photographers, and Brian gave them the suits, the bows, and of course the record contract. But I'd never seen a photo of the two of them together, and they look pretty smashing, I must say.
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