Fannish 5: Five Favourite Ships

Oct 22, 2011 08:22

Five favorite ships - sailing ships, spaceships, etc., not relationships.

1.) The Liberator (Blake's 7). While the B7 budget was tiny to nonexistant, the Liberator was a splendid ship anyway (and for a glimpse of how it would have looked like with GCI, see the Excalibur from Crusade, with the ship not being the only thing in the B5 spin off - or ( Read more... )

blake's 7, farscape, tng, firefly, meme, dr. who, star trek

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kernezelda October 22 2011, 06:30:26 UTC
You put it so well. :) Note: Moya did speak in LATP, via her god's intervention.


selenak October 22 2011, 06:43:48 UTC
Right, there was that. (And here it shows that I never rewatched the LATP, for no particular reason, I liked the episodes, but I only saw them once.)


astrogirl2 October 22 2011, 08:39:29 UTC
You should. They're quite re-watch-able.

Also, I find nothing whatsoever in this post to disagree with. :)


selenak October 22 2011, 10:30:29 UTC
The problem is that there are so many other fannish sources to catch up with and Darth Real Life, so rewatching anything right now is out...


kernezelda October 22 2011, 10:47:55 UTC
Maybe someday! I love your fannish reviews and miss you talking about Moya & Co. in depth.


astrogirl2 October 22 2011, 10:51:15 UTC
Boy, do I know how that is...


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