From Monterey to San Franciso, co-starring sea lions

Sep 13, 2011 22:01

We arrived in Monterey in the evening, and since Yosemite had been quite exhausting in a good way - Das reckoned we'd done about 16 kilometres worth of hiking - all we were able to do that night was hitting the sheets. But the next morning saw us strolling through the old harbor where the sea lions were sunning themselves, and through Cannery Row, to say nothing of the famous aquarium which made me associate Star Trek for reasons not obvious to the Aged Parents. (Not the last Trek association that day.)

Then we took the so called 17-miles-drive, which on the one side has the most beautiful coast line, and on the other an endless parade of golf places. (I'm not a fan of the sport.)

Lastly, we went to San Francisco, where none of us had been for about fourteen years. Being able to watch the sun set behind Golden Gate Bridge and various ships and boats in the harbor after having walked through Chinatown is something else again! This morning we visited the sea lions - they must be the unofficial coast herald animals! -, and strolled some more, but then it was time for me to part ways with the APs for the next three days and head towards Los Angeles, where the conference will start tomorrow morning. Since I can't devotd myself completely to Lion Feuchtwanger and friends before having shared the aforementioned coastal beauties, I took advantage of the airport wifi again to upload harbors, sea lions, and landmarks alike.

Auf Wiedersehen, Monterey. But not goodbye sea lions at all, as you will see. Have some sights of the 17-miles-drive along the coast:

And then there was San Francisco:

Union Square:

One of the ever present cable cars:

Lombard Street, and let me tell you, photographing out of the car while one's father is driving between the plants is tricky. Elsewhere this would have been a pedestrian zone.


Isn't there someone missing? (Actually, we visited them the next morning, hence the cloudy sky, but they fit best here.)

Back to sights and views. How about the one from my hotel room?

And then there was the harbor. Featuring the sight of the world's second most famous prison:

And one of the best sunsets ever to conclude my post with:

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

monterey, travel, san francisco, via ljapp, america, pic spam

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